# 安装 ## Windows 下载 [exe 文件](https://github.com/nachifur/MulimgViewer/releases): - 安装版 `*_Setup.exe` (启动速度更快) - 便携版 `*_Portable.exe` ## [PYPI](https://pypi.org/project/mulimgviewer/) (测试中) 任何安装了 [`pip`](https://github.com/pypa/pip) 的系统均可: ```sh pip install mulimgviewer # if you want a prompt when this program has a new version pip install mulimgviewer[update] ``` ![icon](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32936898/224473440-2088edd7-42e5-45a3-a403-515e2daa019a.jpg) ## [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-mulimgviewer) 任何安装了 [`pacman`](https://archlinux.org/pacman/) 的系统均可(尽管目前仅在 `ArchLinux` 上测试过): - [ArchLinux](https://archlinux.org/) - Other Linux distributions with pacman - Windows with [Msys2](https://www.msys2.org/) - Android with [Termux-pacman](https://github.com/termux-pacman) 通过[AUR 助手](https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/AUR_%E5%8A%A9%E6%89%8B)安装: ```sh yay -S python-mulimgviewer ``` ## brew 任何安装了 [`brew`](https://github.com/Homebrew/brew) 的系统均可: - Any Linux distributions with linuxbrew - macOS with homebrew ```sh brew tap nachifur/MulimgViewer https://github.com/nachifur/MulimgViewer brew install python-mulimgviewer ``` ## PPA (TODO) 目前该软件还没有打包到 Ubuntu PPA 上。 这是一个临时的安装方法: ```sh sudo apt install python3-wxgtk4.0 git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/nachifur/MulimgViewer cd MulimgViewer sed -i /wxpython/d requirements.txt pip install . ``` ## Nix 任何安装了 [`nix`](https://github.com/NixOS/nix) 的系统均可: - Nix OS - Other Linux distributions with nix - macOS with nix-darwin For NixOS, add the following code to `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`: ```nix { config, pkgs, ... }: { nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { nur = import ( builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/archive/master.tar.gz" ) { inherit pkgs; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; ( python3.withPackages ( p: with p; [ nur.repos.Freed-Wu.mulimgviewer ] ) ) } ``` For nix, ```sh nix shell github:nachifur/MulimgViewer ``` Or just take a try without installation: ```sh nix run github:nachifur/MulimgViewer ``` ## 运行源码 | 适合所有系统,需自行构建python环境 * **任何系统**都可以使用源码运行 * 安装python环境可以使用`pip` or `conda` * 建议使用Python3.6以上 * [最新源码下载](https://codeload.github.com/nachifur/MulimgViewer/zip/refs/heads/master) ### 1. pip 安装 pip安装:(如果安装过程出错,可以使用conda安装) ```bash pip install wxpython pillow pytest-shutil numpy requests piexif ``` 运行: ```python python MulimgViewer.py ``` ### 2. conda 安装 或者安装conda环境: ```bash conda env create -f install.yaml ``` 运行: ```python conda activate mulimgviewer python MulimgViewer.py ``` ### 3. 快速运行源代码 在win11上,你可以编写一个`MulimgViewer.bat`文件快速地运行源码: ``` call cd /D D:\ncfey\Desktop\github\MulimgViewer call conda activate MulimgViewer call python MulimgViewer.py ``` **注意**:上述命令行适用于win11+windows terminal。其他系统和终端运行的命令行,大家可以自己探索(鼓励大家通过`issue`反馈,提供其他平台的命令行文件)。